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London Pest Control Company
What Are The Top 10 Pests In Restaurants And Hospitality?
Pests in restaurants are a never ending problem. What’s more, people in the hospitality industry will also have their fair share of pest issues. That being said, some pests are worse than others. From cockroaches to moths, we have compiled a list of the most troublesome pests for these types of business, and a little bit about the problems each one causes.

Which pests in restaurants cause the most problems?


1. Cockroaches

Coming in at first place are cockroaches. These pests appear wherever food is consumed. The issue here is that cockroaches create dirt and also spread disease. This is a huge problem if you’re in the hospitality industry. After all, the last thing your guests want to see are these insects, making cockroach control in London a top priority.


2. Rodents

Rats and mice are just as bad as cockroaches. As well as being dirty and spreading diseases, these pests also damage property. Repairing this can cost a fortune. For example, rats are known to chew through electrical cables and plastic piping.


3. Bed bugs

You’ll rarely need to worry about these pests in restaurants. On the other hand, if you run a hotel, then you’ll know all about bed bugs. Yes, these pests are a constant nightmare for people who manage accommodation.

4. Ants

Ants are not dangerous, they’re just a pain. And the more ants there are, the bigger this pain becomes. For instance, preparing food is almost impossible when your countertops are swarming with ants.


5. Pantry pests

Pantry pests in restaurants are not often talked about. Despite this, they can still cause problems. In case you’re wondering, this refers to small insects that go after stored food. This mostly includes things like flour, rice, and other dry goods. If you’re doing any baking, then this may become a problem.


6. Fleas

Fleas are something you may have to worry about in hotels. These pests mostly live on things like carpets, curtains and furniture. This means they’re often attracted to hotels and other hospitality venues. Preventing and treating fleas in your London business is imperative.

7. Flies

These pests in restaurants put guests off their food. Flies in your dining room destroy the ambiance and make it seem as if your restaurant is dirty. And that’s beside the fact that they spread disease.


8. Birds

Birds can be a major nuisance for restaurants with outdoor areas. This includes both sitting and eating areas. Over time, birds learn that these areas are a source of food. Whether that’s from people feeding them, food left on tables or in dustbins.

9. Mosquitoes

Here’s another pest that could become an issue for people with outdoor seating areas. This is especially true during summer when mosquito season is at its height. Along with this, you may also have wasps disturbing your guests.

10. Moths

These pests can become a problem for hotels. This is because hotels are filled with carpets, curtain, and soft furnishings, all of which can mean the need to prevent moths. All of these are vulnerable to moth attacks. Yes, even furniture can be damaged by moths.
Reasons Why We Offer Pest Contracts For Shops And Warehouses
About 4 out 5 businesses will need pest control at some point. This applies to shops and warehouses,  but also to any business that is vulnerable to pests, such as food businesses. The easiest way to solve pest issues is with a pest control contract. But how does this actually work and what can a contract do for your business?

Why retail and storage businesses need a pest contract

The issue with pests is that the supply is infinite. Take rats for example. There are an estimated 20 million rats in London alone. This means that the problem will never be solved. No matter what happens, rats will always exist, and will come into your shop or warehouse premises.

The point we’re trying to make is that pest control in London can be a never ending problem. This is something which must be constantly maintained, just like everything else in your shop or warehouse. This is the main reason why you need a pest control contract.
When you take out a contract, you’re basically hiring a reputable pest company to provide this maintenance. You pay us a certain amount of money and we take care of the pests. It’s really that simple.
The real advantage of this is that pest control is proactive. By carrying out constant maintenance, problems are solved before they arise. This provides you with peace of mind. Along with this, a pest control contract gives you other advantages.

More advantages of a pest control contract

There are numerous benefits to having a contract. First, you save money. Calls out are always more expensive that regular maintenance. People avoid taking out a contract in order to save money. This is false economy. You have no idea how often you’ll need pest control. All of those separate call outs could add up and cost far more than a contract.

There’s also less disruption to your business. A pest outbreak means that you may have to close your shop. This might sound absurd, but it does happen. With the regular maintenance provided by a pest control contract, the risk of disruption is removed (or at least minimised).
Along with this, you also get priority pest control. We always service our contract clients before anyone else. This can be extremely useful in the case of an emergency. One final advantage is that regular pest maintenance protects your reputation. We can even provide discrete pest control for businesses.
At the end of the day, these contracts keep your shops and warehouses clean and free of pests. They are a must for any business. They Not only that, they provide advantages that make them more than worth the money spent.
Should You Worry About Mice Living In Walls And Under Floorboards?
Mouse problems can sometimes end up being ignored. An example of this is when you have mice living in walls. Another is when mice are under your floorboards. You’re unlikely to ever see these mice or be bothered by them. This is why most people choose to turn a blind eye to this type of problem. But is this really a good idea?

What you need to know about mice living in walls and under floorboards

The short answer is no. Our advice is that all pest problems should be handled as fast as possible. It doesn’t matter how big or small the issue is, you need to solve it fast. This is especially true when it comes to controlling mice.

You see, the issue with mice living in walls and under floorboards are that they spread quickly and unseen. This is because the mice feel safe, and, when they feel safe, they breed. Eventually their number increase exponentially, and they spread to other areas of your home.
The other problem with mice living in walls is that they cause damage. This mostly happens through gnawing and also through nest building. The more mice there are, the greater this damage becomes. This is why it’s always a good idea to get rid of these pests as fast as possible.


Do mice under floorboards cause distress to occupants?

Yet another issue with mice in walls is that they make a noise. Even if you cannot see the mice, you’ll know they are there. This can become a big problem at night. That’s because mice are most active at night. For example, you may find yourself being kept awake by their incessant squeaking and screeching. Eventually, mice affect mental health if the infestation persists.

The final problem with mice living in walls is their smell. These pests constantly urinate and defecate. This accumulates in massive amounts over time and causes a horrible stench. This means that even if you cannot see the mice, they can still cause you pain. Something that also happens is that mice die in walls and beneath floorboards. The smell of these rotting bodies will also permeate the house and lead to distress. 
Ultimately, just because you cannot see this London mouse control problem, doesn’t mean they aren’t a problem. Mice in walls and floorboards will eventually spread to other parts of the house. They cause damage and this has to be repaired. They also make a stink, leave a mess and make a racket.
Unfortunately, you will need specialised help to solve this problem. This is because these mice are in inaccessible areas. In fact, to get rid of them you may need to, for example, lift up floorboards. This is why calling in a professional is highly advised.
Advice to Help Prevent Spring Pests Invading Your Home Or Business
With the weather getting warmer, spring pests will soon be a problem. In fact, within only a few weeks, some homes and businesses may be completely overrun with pests. But what can you do about this? To help you out, here are some pointers for preventing this nuisance.

Keeping spring pests out of your home and business


1. Secure food

Spring pests are primarily attracted to food. This is the reason why they enter properties. To prevent this, all food must be secured in sealed containers. Do not leave anything in boxes or plastic bags. Food should also be locked away in cupboards that seal tightly. Also, try to avoid leaving things like fruit and bread on your countertops. Something else you should avoid in your spring mouse proofing and insect prevention regime, is leaving dirty dishes in your sink overnight. This will always attract unwanted pests.


2. Clean the property from top to bottom

Before winter many pests lay eggs. These are scattered around all over the place and are almost invisible to the naked eyes. To remove these eggs you need to clean every inch of the property from top to bottom. Another piece of advice our London pest control experts can give you is to clean neglected places such as the tops of shelves. This is something that people often skip and it can make the world of difference.

3. Seal up cracks and holes

Spring pests love laying eggs in cracks and holes. This provides them with a safe and sheltered area to place these eggs. Any cracks and holes in your walls should be sealed up. Do this with inside and outside walls. Also look for possible entrance points on the outside of your property. For example, door and window frames may be lose or cracked around the entrance. These provide a way in for pests, so make sure to repair them. 


4. Declutter

Clutter is a major draw for pests. It gives insects and rodents like mice a place to hide and live undisturbed. The issue is that you may not notice this at first. That means the pests are given a chance to breed, and before long you’ll have an infestation. Prevent this by clearing clutter and packing away as many things away as you can. It’s also a good idea to throw out anything that you’re not using.

5. Remove sources of water

Spring pests need water to survive. Even the smallest amount of moisture can sustain them. This is why it’s critically important to fix leaks, no matter how small they are. Damp will also attract pests, so take care of that. Finally, get rid of standing water in your garden, because this will attract mosquitoes.
How We Exterminate Rats Without Harming Other Wildlife In The Process
A downside of pest control is that it can end up harming other animals if it’s not carried out by a responsible professional like CPC. This sometimes happens when you’re trying to exterminate rats. Some of these animals include things like squirrels, foxes, owls and badgers. But what should you know about this, and what do pest controllers do to limit this damage when dealing with nuisance rats in London homes and businesses?

Can you avoid harming animals when you exterminate rats?

There are several ways that this happens. You see, when we exterminate rats, it’s mostly done with poison. But this is where the problem comes in. Other wild animals may also eat this poison and die. Or they may eat the poisoned animal.

To counteract this, London rat control technicians are now using something known as bait stations. To put it simply, this is basically a new and innovative trap design. The station is a small plastic box that can open and shut (there’s also a hole on the side).
Poisonous bait is placed inside of this box. The rat enters through the hole; eats the poison, and dies later on. The big advantage here is that other animals cannot get access to the poison. In addition, the rat cannot get out and wander off somewhere else to die. This way, we’re able to exterminate rats, without harming these animals.

Are there other ways to eliminate rats without harming wildlife?

Another way of doing this is with humane traps, or live capture traps. These are essentially traps that capture, instead of kill. They are also known as eco-friendly traps, because they do not use poison. To put it simply, these traps look like ordinary steel cages. Rats enter the cage through a tunnel at the top, but once they reach the bottom it’s impossible to escape. These rats can then be released in another location.

Sometimes deterring rats is enough to stop the problem (for example by rat mats). Along with this, you have other methods of eco-friendly rat control, such using dogs to kill rats. This technique is mostly used on farms, and depending on the breed of dog, it can be extremely effective, especially for the super-size rats you get on agricultural properties.
Advances in rodenticides are also helping us exterminate rats without harming wildlife. For example, what sometimes happens (as we have said) is that wild animals, such as owls, will eat dead rats. Because the poison is still in the rat’s liver, these birds are themselves poisoned. This is known as secondary poisoning. The latest rodenticides lessen or completely eliminate this risk of secondary poisoning. This has greatly decreased the amount of wildlife that is harmed by pest control. 
5 Health Concerns Caused By UK Cockroaches To Be Aware Of
When it comes to damaging your health, UK cockroaches are considered pests is mostly because of the diseases they spread. Hence the need to keep food outlets, as well as your home, free of these pests. Here some health concerns that you should be aware of when it comes to cockroaches. Although cockroaches can carry very serious diseases like cholera and typhoid, in the UK there are five main health concerns as listed. When cockroach season comes around, restaurants and food outlets need to pay special attention to the dangers of cockroaches. They must, at all costs, avoid causing food poisoning to their clientele.

UK cockroaches are known to spread these conditions


1. Salmonella

Bacteria are probably the biggest health concern when it comes to UK cockroaches. Anytime these pests come into contact with food, they leave behind bacteria. This is why it’s so important that you keep them out of your kitchen. One of the worst types of bacteria spread by cockroaches are salmonella. This can have devastating effects on your health, and it is an example of the importance of cockroach control in London for your family. This illness includes things like diarrhoea, fever, and stomach cramps.


2. Allergies

Most people are completely unaware of this, but UK cockroaches can actually trigger allergic reactions. This is because their saliva and faeces contain allergens. Cockroaches also shed their exoskeleton, which also contains allergens. If you have an allergic reaction to cockroaches, it will feel as if you’re experiencing flu symptoms. This can cover anything from sneezing, runny and stuffy noses and coughing. Some people may even break out in a rash.

3. E Coli

E Coli (Escherichia coli) are another type of bacteria that can contaminate food and cause food poisoning. Only some strains are problematic, but these are ones that can be carried by cockroaches. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea and intestinal pains. This alone is one good reason to get rid of cockroaches fast.


4. Dysentery

The easiest way to explain dysentery it’s a most severe form of diarrhoea. The main difference is that it’s accompanied by blood. Due to this, people experiencing this issue need fast medical treatment. This usually includes IV fluids and antibiotics. That being said, for most people this disease usually goes away within a week.

5. Staphylococcus and Streptococcus

These bacterial infections can be picked up by a range of methods. It is believed that one route for getting them is through food, drink or surfaces contaminated by cockroaches. Some cases are mild but some are serious and require immediate medical attention.
How Do You Identify The Signs Of Fleas In The House and Stop Them?
What are the signs of fleas? You see, the problem with these pests is that they bite. This means they are often hard to identify. So, how do you narrow things down, and decide if the problem is really fleas? To help with this, here are some signs of fleas to watch out for.

Here are some of the most common signs of fleas

The first, and biggest sign of fleas, is that your ankles are being bitten. This is really the only sign you need to look for. Yes, while many bugs bite, almost none of them bite your ankles specifically. Ultimately, if your ankles are covered in bites, it could be bed bugs, but is probably flea bites.

After this, the next biggest sign is your pets. If your dog or cat is scratching more than usual, then there’s a good chance they have fleas. Also check for hair loss. Your pet could be scratching continuously because of fleas. This will eventually lead to hair loss. Did you know, homes without pets can still get fleas?
Eggs are also one of the signs of fleas. These pests lay around 40 to 50 eggs per day. These will eventually accumulate on your carpets. What you’ll want to do is get down to the ground and closely inspect your carpet. You can also get fleas in furniture, so inspect that too.
You’re looking for small white ovals, which look like small grains of sand, or salt. Run your fingers through the carpet fibres and then look at them. There’s a good chance you’ll see these white grains. In fact, your fingers may be covered with these white grains. If that happens, then you have a major flea infestation.

Other ways to be sure its fleas in your home

Other signs of fleas include faeces or flea dander. This also looks like small grains of sand or salt, or except that it’s black/brown. This can be hard to distinguish from ordinary dirt, so here’s a test you can do.

Take a paper towel and press it onto your carpets. This paper towel should come away with spots of dirt. Next, gently moisten this towel. If this dirt turns red, then there’s a good chance that you’re dealing with fleas. The reason why is because flea faeces contain traces of blood. This is the red that you’re seeing.
If you’re seeing all of these symptoms together, then there’s a 100% chance that you have fleas and need professional London flea control. The best thing to do yourself is vacuum your entire home from top to bottom. Do this as often as possible until the fleas are gone. For most people this will work. If it doesn’t, then you may want to get professional assistance.
Is There A Discrete Pest Control Option For London Businesses?
Is it possible to get pest control for businesses…and make sure that no one knows about your problem? You see, pests can often come as a shock for business owners. When this does happen, the first thing they think about isn’t how to get rid of the pests. No, instead, they pray that no one finds out.

Who needs under the radar pest control?

It’s easy to understand why you might feel this way. There are certain businesses which cannot afford to be associated with pests. The best examples of this are expensive restaurants. People who go to these restaurants are expecting the best of the best. This doesn’t include a side order or cockroaches!

Other people who may need discrete pest control for businesses are those who run upmarket or exclusive venues. This can include five star, and boutique hotels, or even conference venues. High-priced nightclubs and pubs may also fall into this category. For example mice in your business premises can wreak havoc.
None of these businesses can afford the blow to their reputation that will come with pests. This is why pest controllers such as ourselves offer discrete pest control for businesses. But what does this actually involve?

How does discrete pest control for businesses work?

Basically, with all types of business pest control, we come in after your business is closed.  We come late and leave before your business opens the next day. We then carry out our services, which can include implementing pest proofing. This way, your patrons are none the wiser as to your pest problem.

After hours pest control for businesses also has other advantages. One of the biggest is that we do not get under your feet. Most restaurants are small and crowded in the kitchen and staff only areas, as well as the area for customers.
Pest control may also require large pieces of equipment. This is why it’s a lot more convenient for both parties if we come in once the place is closed. This may also be important depending on the type of procedure we are carrying out. In some cases, this would mean the closure of your restaurant for that day. But with afterhours pest control, this is no longer necessary.
The other advantage of this discrete London pest control services is that pest emergencies can be treated – and these do actually happen. Maybe you have a conference venue and attendees are arriving the next day, then a janitor or manager spots bed bugs. If this happens, you can call us in to take care of the problem, even if it’s ten o’clock at night. The bottom line is that some businesses needed discrete pest control. If you’re one of these businesses, then we’re standing by to help.
How a Rodent Infestation Can Affect Your Mental Health
A rodent infestation can cause enormous pain. This happens because rodents destroy property and spread diseases. But what a lot of people don’t realise is that these pests can also affect your mental health.

Can a rodent infestation mess with your mental health?

The biggest issue with these pests is that they are extremely difficult to get rid of. You set traps, clean, block entrance ways, but still the rats and mice are running around. It’s like a drain that will not unblock. You just get more and more frustrated and eventually feel like you’re going crazy.

A rodent infestation also affects your mental health because of the damage caused. The best example of this is when rodents destroy food. These pests can rip apart food packets. This food must then be thrown away because of the risk of contamination. Then there is the risk of fire or flooding by rat damage to fray your nerves.
Food is extremely expensive these days – especially with the cost of living crisis. Eventually, this can put you into a deep depression and also cause feelings of helplessness. Along with this, rodents also damage things like furniture and even electronics. Repairing and replacing these costs money, which can also affect your mental state.
The other problem with a rodent infestation is that these pests are absolutely filthy. You need professional London rat control because these rodents are covered in grime and grease. If you’ve ever seen the marks they leave on baseboards, then you’ll know what we’re talking about.

How does it feel to have rodents in the house?

Having these dirty creatures in your home is disturbing to your peace of mind. Then there’s the fact that they run around your house all night. This can make it feel as if you’re being violated, or as if your privacy is being invaded. Talking about filth, rodents also urinate and defecate all over the place. This will also make your home feel dirty. Not only that, you’re constantly forced to clean up this mess.

The other problem with rodents running around at night is that they make a noise. This can be so loud that you actually wake up during the night. This can make it impossible to get a full night’s sleep. In fact, you may even become sleep deprived because of rodents. If the problem is particularly bad, you may experience nightmares related to rodents. Even a few small mice can sound like super-sized rats at night.
The bottom line is that a rodent infestation can be extremely depressing. It can also affect your mental health in other adverse ways. But this isn’t something that you need to go through. Getting rid of rodents is not impossible. All you need is the services of a qualified pest controller. We can get rid of mice in the house or rats in the garden, and solve the problem in no time at all. We’re also cheaper than a therapist!
How to Keep Urban Foxes Away From Your Garden Bins
Most people enjoy the sight of urban foxes. That being said, this is not always the case. A lot of the time, these animals can become a major nuisance. This is especially true if they’re going after your outdoor or garden bins. The rubbish can end up strewn across the outside of your property. This is true whether you keep your dustbin in your front or back garden, or on your drive. But what can you do about fox control in London, and is it possible to keep foxes out of your bins?

What to do when urban foxes rummage through your bins

The reason why urban foxes go after garden bins is because they are looking for food. Your dustbin contains a lot of waste food! Foxes will eat almost anything. They are opportunistic feeders. They have got so used to living around humans, that human food is very appealing to them, but when they get in foxes can ruin your garden.

Now, the easiest way to keep urban foxes out of bins is by placing a weight on the lid of your bin. In this scenario, a brick or two works perfectly. You can also purchase a tamper proof bin. These bins have a lid that either clips or screws shut. This keeps animals out and garden refuse safe.  A more expensive, but more sightly option that some people choose, is to have a wooden bin storage unit that has its own door. This way, the dustbin is kept out of sight.

More ideas for keeping foxes out of dustbins

Foxes generally attack bins at night. They like to do this in the dark. If a light comes on, the fox will run away. The simple and easy solution, then, is to install motion sensor lights near to where you bins are placed. The light will turn on and the fox will leave your bins alone. You can also use motion sensing sprinklers to achieve the same effect.

If you want something more sophisticated, then try experimenting with fox repellent spray. These sprays work in different ways. Some mimic the scent marks of other animals and this keep foxes being a nuisance in your garden.
Statues of foxes and dogs are also said to work well. These fool the fox into thinking that another animal is in the garden. In many cases the fox will leave. Just make sure to move your statue from time to time. If I’s always in the same place, they will realise it is not a live animal.
How Is AI Used In Pest Control And Does It Make A Difference?
In this post, we will dive into a fascinating area of pest control, in the form of Artificial Intelligence. One of the biggest technological developments in the world today is AI. In fact, this technology is revolutionising almost every single industry and is enhancing the three main types of pest control in the industry. But is this the case when it comes to pest control? The answer is yes. To explain this further, let’s look at some of the ways that AI is changing our industry.

Examples of AI in pest control methodology

One of the areas where AI is being implemented is in smart traps. These are highly advanced and sophisticated traps which are now replacing enclosed traps. These devices have a number of sensors and other built in technology. They are ideal when controlling rats or getting rid of mice.

These sensors detect the presence of pests inside the traps. This means pest technicians can monitor the trap off-site. Instead of visiting the site to empty the trap, we only go when the trap is full. This saves us an enormous amount of time. It also helps pest controllers optimise their schedules. The data from these sensors is also fed into AI algorithms. According to the manufacturers of these traps, their AI can predict pest behaviour. It can determine if numbers are trending up or down, and also predict infestations.
Drones are another area where AI in pest control is being used. These drones are primarily used for pest inspection. Drones can patrol areas like roofs and fields, and detect the presence of pests. Pesticide spraying drones are also in development. Once pests are detected, these drones are deployed to spray the area.

Pest control technology in food production

Another industry where AI in pest control is now widely used is farming. This development is extremely exciting. For instance, did you know what around 40% of the world’s crops are destroyed by pests each year? This amounts to around 200 billion pounds.

Smart traps are now increasingly used on farms. These traps contain pheromones which attract pests. AI can then identify which pests enter the trap. This data also helps to determine pest migrations and trends. More importantly, AI helps farmers determine exactly which pesticides should be used, and how much.
This is an incredible development for pest control management. Pesticide is extremely destructive to the environment. With AI, farmers can use less pesticide. This is a win-win for both farmers and the environment. These traps are also solar powered which also helps to reduce energy consumption.
Ultimately, this technology is here to stay. AI devices will only grow more powerful and sophisticated. Not only that, with these innovations, we could see a future where pests are finally defeated for good.
Top Tips From Our Experts For Getting Rid Of Mice In The House
Can you actually get rid of mice in the house? Believe it or not, this isn’t impossible. Right now, you may be shaking your head. You’ve tried everything and there are still mice everywhere. If that’s the case, then why not try these expert tips?

1. Set traps intelligently

Most people do not know how to effectively set traps. The first mistake they make is using the wrong bait. If you think that cheese is a good bait, you’re wrong. So, what should you be using? The answer is peanut butter. This is the most attractive bait. People also set their traps for mouse removal in the wrong place. You want to place them along walls where you see dark marks.


2. Use bait stations

Bait stations are mostly used by professional pest controllers. These are essentially boxes which contain bait. The mice enter, eat the bait, and die. Most traps also contain a type of maze. This makes it difficult for mice to find their way out. These traps are used by professionals because they are so effective. If you’re having a particularly difficult time with mice, then you may want to investigate these.

3. Starve the mice

What’s the easiest way to get rid of mice in the house? Starve them. If mice cannot find food, they will leave and go elsewhere with more grub. It’s really that simple. That being said, this takes hard work. As part of your mouse proofing regime, you need to get to a point where it’s impossible for mice to find food in your home, even crumbs. This means keeping bins secure, cleaning up after yourself, and storing food correctly.


4. Use steel wool

Did you know steel wool is one of the greatest weapons against mice in your house? You see, everyone knows that you need to block entrance points into your home. The problem is that they don’t know how to do this. But the simplest and most effective way is with steel wool. The issue is that mice can chew through almost any barrier. This includes wood and putty. The solution to this is steel wool, which is far harder to penetrate.

5. Get a cat

Getting a cat is one of the most straightforward ways to get rid of mice in the house. This is an obvious tip, but it’s something that people very rarely consider. Even if your cat isn’t interested in hunting mice, it’s very presence will deter these pests. This happens because mice can detect the smell of a cat. This smell is a deterrent to mice and they will not enter the area. Alternatively, call in a reputable London exterminator to get rid of mice for you. 
Why Do Pest Control Companies Offer Bird Control Services?
When you think of pests what most commonly comes to mind? Rats, mice, cockroaches, ants and things like that. People don’t often include birds on this list. But believe it or not, birds are actually considered pests in certain situations. Here’s why these animals are such a nuisance, and why we offer bird control services.

The two main reasons why we provide bird control

The first problem with birds and their role in London pest control issues in general is that they defecate all over the place. The issue here is that many birds (such as pigeons) have corrosive acid in their faeces. These birds deposit enormous amounts of faeces onto roofs. Just imagine how much waste is left behind by 50-100 birds!

These animals defecate multiple times per day. Over time this adds up to tons and tons of waste. These droppings eventually eat through things like brickwork, stone, paint and even metal. Yes, this damage takes years, but eventually the damage is done.
Another reason why we offer bird control is because of nest building. These nests are made of things like sticks, twigs and leaves. Once the nest is used, it remains on the roof. Eventually it falls apart and can end up in a gutter. This can be disastrous.
A good example of needing professional pigeon control is when nests block gutters. This causes flooding on the roof if it rains. This flooding can cause enormous and costly damage to roof. Pigeon nests also block vital infrastructure. This includes things like air vents, chimney, and so on. These blockages may cause other issues, such as fires due to blocked pipes. Pigeon feathers can also cause blockages to this infrastructure.

Who uses pest technicians for bird control?

We recommend bird control particularly because of the pigeon damage to businesses, including hotels and warehouses. The last thing you want is birds defecating around your business, or harassing customers. Along with this, pigeon dropping can increase the risk of slipping.

This brings us to another point, which is that these pests pose a hygiene danger. Their droppings are riddled with bacteria and dangerous funguses. The birds themselves are covered in parasites and carry things like viruses and diseases. One final point is that birds can be extremely noisy, and this can eventually become a problem.
All in all, certain species of birds are considered pests and you need to get rid of pigeons asap. They damage property, spread disease, and are a nuisance. This is why we advise bird control, and why you should never let birds take hold on your roof.
Are Bed Bugs Using Eurostar To Spread From Paris To London?
Is the threat of Paris bed bugs spreading to London growing? Unfortunately, yes. Bed bugs have always been a problem in the capital city, and this problem is getting worse. One of the reasons is because of the outbreak of bed bugs in Paris. This story has been all over the news recently. But why are there now more bed bugs in London, and what can you do about it?

Why are bed bugs in London on the rise?

The simple reason is because, like many pests, bed bugs are international travellers. You see, the primary way that these pests spread is through travel. For example, these pests may be in the hotel you’re staying at. So while the bed bug problem in the UK is already significant, we could be set to see an increase in cases. 

You then travel home from Paris with bed bugs and from there they start to breed, or you stay in a hotel or use public transport and deposit them there. This is why we now have so many bed bugs in London. People are going over to France and bringing the bugs back with them. What’s also making this problem a lot worse is public transport. The biggest culprit here are things like trains, which includes the Eurostar.
If you’ve been following this story on social media, you’ve probably seen videos of bed bugs on French trains. These trains are apparently crawling with the pests. To the point where people are able to film videos of them moving around!
If you know anything about these pests, you’ll know how unusual this is. Bed bugs are rarely seen during the day. They hide when it’s light outside, and only come out at night. If the bugs are scampering in daylight hours, it means the problem is now severe.

What can you do to prevent bed bugs coming home?

But what can you do about this problem, and more specifically bed bugs in London in order to assess whether you need professional chemical or heat treatment for bed bugs? First of all, be aware of the issue. If you’re travelling to Paris, then make sure to watch out. That’s why you’ll need to inspect everything when arriving at your destination. When you arrive at your holiday accommodation, please consider doing the following steps. 

Place your luggage in the bathroom. Bed bugs do not often enter this room, so this keeps your luggage safe. Then, remove all of your clothing and inspect every inch of it. Next, inspect the room. Look for the signs of bed bugs. This includes dark brown spots and bedding, blood spots, and shed skin. Remove all bedding and look for these signs. It’s also a good idea to leave your luggage in the bathroom for the duration of your stay. This will prevent bed bugs from getting into it.
Once you arrive home, inspect everything again. Wash all clothing thoroughly and leave your bag outside for a few days. If you do have bed bugs, this will give them a chance to crawl away. It also prevents you from bringing them into your home. As long as you follow these precautions, you should be okay, but call us for professional London bed bug control if you do find you end up with an infestation.
Why Are UK Wasps Still Active In September And October?
Aren’t UK wasps supposed to get less active during September or at least by October? Well, sometimes. So why are we still seeing so many of these pests this year? There are several reasons for this (as you’re about to discover).

What are UK wasps up to in autumn?

Wasps go away when it’s cold. Everyone knows this. The thing is that they only die once it gets really cold i.e. once it’s winter. What this means is that autumn isn’t really cold enough for them to die off. We have been having a warm autumn so far, but even without this, wasps are going to be around for a while in the autumn.

What people also don’t know is that it isn’t really the cold that kills wasps. They die because it’s part of their lifecycle. What happens is that UK wasps are born when spring arrives. They spend all spring and summer building their nest and hunting food.
When winter arrives, they die off. It’s only the queen that survives. She finds a safe place to hide and emerges when it’s warmer. She then lays more eggs and the cycle begins again. Therefore, in winter it’s unlikely you will see any wasps.
This is part of the reason why you are seeing so many wasps during September and into October. You see, UK wasp drones have 4 main purposes. These are 1) building the nest 2) defending the nest 3) defending the queen and 4) finding food.

Can UK wasps find food in autumn?

Of these four, it’s food that is the problem. As we get closer to winter, food becomes more and more scarce for most London and UK pests. During this period, finding something to eat is extremely difficult. This means that wasps must travel further and leave the nest more often. It’s also why we often see them in our homes.

These wasps can detect food in our homes and gardens, and that’s why you’re noticing them more often. This is also why you must avoid them as much as possible. At this time, wasps are more aggressive than ever. Wasps become a danger because they are under tremendous pressure to find food and will not hesitate to sting you.
If you’re seeing more wasps than usual, be cautious. Call in a reputable London wasp control company if necessary. There are some steps you can take to keep them from bugging you. Start with your dustbin. Make sure that it closes and that wasps cannot get in. Also, pack away pet bowls once they are empty.
Any fruit and berries from trees should be picked. This will attract wasps and other pests. Wasps may also be attracted to your bird feeder. This is especially true if there is sugary food inside. After all this, the only thing left to do is wait. Once it’s winter, UK wasps die, and you’ll no longer have to worry about this problem.
How Pest Proofing Can Stop Pests Coming Inside This Autumn
Autumn pests tend to become more of a problem the colder it gets. There are several reasons for this. The biggest is that pests are looking for food. As the seasons change, finding this becomes harder, which is why they enter homes.
These pests are also looking for shelter. They want a warm place to live, so that their chances of surviving the winter are increased. All of this means that you’ll probably see pests coming into your home during autumn. The best way to prevent these autumn pests is by mouse proofing and generally pest proofing your home. Here are some tips and tricks for doing this.

Block autumn pests with pest proofing

You may want to investigate is weather-stripping. This basically means that you seal your doors and windows. Usually, a strip of wood is placed at the bottoms and tops of your door frames. This has many advantages.

For example, most autumn pests are small, and can easily crawl beneath doors. Weather-stripping prevents this. Another advantage is that it keeps your house warmer because drafts do not come in beneath doors. This is something you’ll definitely enjoy during winter. You may even be able to save on heating bills. It will also help to prevent pests down the line, for example stopping ants getting inside next spring.

Think outside as well as inside to stop pests

Another little-known tip (that many people never think about) is cleaning up your garden. The way that most pests get in is by climbing into shrubs that are against your house. From there they climb onto outside walls and into your property.
To prevent this trim all bushes and shrubs that are against your home. Make sure that there is a large gap between these and the walls. Also cut all tree branches that overhang your roof. Squirrels and insects use these to get onto your roof.

If you have a fireplace, then store wood away from your home. Wood attracts pests, so keep it at least 10 feet from your house. Also try to keep wood off the ground. It’s also a good idea to do the same thing with your kitchen bins and drains. Keep them away from your home and make sure that they seal tightly.
Make your home an unattractive environment for pests. This means keeping your kitchen spotlessly clean, in order to have effective pest control solutions keeping food out of reach, repairing any leaks and avoid hoarding clutter.
Finally, any cracks and holes should be closed up. Along with this, repair loose bricks and mortar. Look up at your roof and check for loose and rotting shingles, or tiles. As long as these tips are followed, you should be able to avoid autumn pests.
How To Prevent Flies Infesting Your Kitchen Bins And Drain

 There’s nothing worse than flies infesting your bins and drain. These are some of nature’s most disgusting pests. For example, did you know that flies vomit on food before eating it? Not only that, flies also spread bacteria every time they land. That’s why it’s a really bad idea to have them crawling on your food. This is also why it’s a good idea to get rid of any flies that are in your kitchen. But how can you do this?

What can you do about flies infesting your kitchen

Although flies are one of the worst autumn pests, it’s relatively easy to prevent these pests. You see, another fact about flies is this: they can only eat food that is partially decomposed. This is why flies are so attracted to the rotting food that is in your dustbin. Flies also lay their eggs in rotting food. They do this so that maggots have something to eat after hatching.

The easy local pest control measures to stop flies infesting your bins is by denying them access to this food. If you do this, then flies are no longer be able to feed and breed. It’s also recommended that you put your bin in a cupboard. Many new homes or new kitchens have a special built-in cupboard for bins. Also make sure to routinely wash your bin. Food waste will accumulate over time, even with a bin liner, so make sure to clean your bins. Do not let bins overflow, because this will attract flies – make sure the lid is always firmly down.
You don’t want them getting in the kitchen in the first place. To prevent flies coming in, use mosquito nets on the windows (these are easy to buy) and bead curtains or fly screens on doors that go outside (if you like to keep them open). Fly traps and fly paper are popular. You can even use fly zappers. These are popular in commercial kitchens.

What can you do about flies infesting your drains

You may also have flies infesting your drains. The flies that do this are not common house flies. Instead, they are a species known as the drain fly. These pests feed on the organic matter which is found inside drains. Every time food goes down the drain, this matter accumulates, and eventually attracts flies.

If you have a full blown infestation, contacting professional London fly control is appropriate. However, if you have a few nuisance flies in your drains, getting rid of these insects is relatively easy. The simplest way is by pouring boiling water down your drain. You should do this every so often. You can also mix water with vinegar and pour that down the drain. The flied prefer standing water, so make sure you run the water through regularly. Along with this, you should stop small pieces of food going down the drain, by using a kitchen sink strainer plug. Check outdoors to make sure there are no blockages which might slow the waste water down while it is draining away.
Are There Really Super-Sized Rats In London Or Is That A Myth?
Super-sized rats are one of London’ most pervasive urban legends. According to some people, the sewers are running wild with terrier sized rats. But is this really true? Are there giant rats in the sewers of London and do you need to be afraid of them?

Are super-sized rats living in London’s sewers?

It’s a known fact that London’s sewers are crawling with rats. London pest controllers estimate that there are about 20 million rats in these sewers, which is a stunning figure. As people who work in this business, we can confirm this.

What are all those rat’s doing down there? No one knows. It’s easy to dream up horror scenarios where London’s rats are hiding away and mutating, becoming bigger and bigger over time … eventually turning into super-sized rats.
The problem here is that many people are frightened of rats, and rightfully so. These pests can become aggressive if cornered. If threatened they will not hesitate to bite you. These bites are extremely painful. Not only that, if bitten, you could be infected with a number of diseases. Rat control specialists will tell you that rats are also riddled with bacteria, meaning the wound could become infected.

Should you be worried about super-sized rats?

These fears grow with the size of the rats. This is the reason why the myth of super-sized rats continues. People imagine themselves being attacked by giant rats or even hunted by them. Fortunately, this is something you’ll never have to worry about.

While rats can grow to a large size, they’re unlikely to become “super-sized.” What you have to understand when it comes to rat and moise control, is that sewers rats are a species known as Norway rats. These rats can only grow to about a foot in length. This is also only with an optimum amount of food, which means that sewer rats are unlikely to get that big.
Other rats, such as cane rats, can grow bigger. Allegedly, one of these tropical rats was caught in London.  What you also have to understand is this. If someone reports a four feet rat, well, most of that length is actually tail. What this means is that the rat itself is probably not enormous.
But if all of this is true, then why do you routinely hear about South London pests is that there are giant rats in the sewers. Most of these reports come from tabloid newspapers, who want to cash in on sensationalism. Most of their reports are exaggerated, and this is not something that you have to worry about. It’s highly unlikely that there are giant rats in the sewers of London.
How Do Ants Get Inside And How Do You Stop Them?
Why do ants get inside our homes? There are a number of reasons, as you’ll see below. We’ll also explain ways of preventing this (and making sure that ants are unlikely to return).

How are the ants getting inside in the first place?

Ants in your home are a major pain whether you are a home owner or have pests in rented property. At first these pests seem harmless. No one is too bothered by the sight of a single ant. Eventually this changes. These pests multiply until there are thousands of ants marching around. At this point you can’t do anything without ants swarming. Put a bowl on your counter, and ten seconds later it’s covered with ants. As well as this, your bin has a continuous trail of ants going in and out.

ants keep them out
The problem here is that ant control in London is challenging as ants are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Cleaning often has no effect. These pests can hang around for months and survive on the smallest amount of food. Even a single crumb can seem to sustain a colony of ants.

Keeping ants from entering your kitchen

The point is that when ants get inside, there’s not much you can do about it. This is why prevention is key with these pests. You must, must, must keep your home and kitchen clean. What you should also do is prevent ants getting inside in the first place. This can be difficult because of their small size. That being said, you must do your best. Look for any places where ants get inside. This usually includes small cracks and crevices. These should be thoroughly sealed up and routinely checked.
kitchen in london home

If you are still having East London pest problems, consider some naturals repellents. Sprinkle cinnamon on their route in and watch them avoid it like the plague. A solution of vinegar is a big favourite and some people go for coffee grounds. Diatomaceous earth (silicon dioxide) can also be used. These remedies mentioned are the most common and effective, although there are others. Some of them, such as vinegar can be used on the kitchen counters. Others can be used by the door or other entry point.
Whether you are plagued with normal black ants, red ant or flying ants in the UK, it’s best to do this sooner rather than later. Don’t put it off or let the ants establish themselves. This only makes getting rid of them harder. Yes, ants get inside our homes, but this doesn’t mean you have to live with the problem. Get yourself some ant bait and this issue can be taken care of fairly quickly.
How Bad Is The Current Bed Bug Problem In The UK?
Anyone who lives in the UK knows we have a serious bed bug problem. These pests are widespread throughout the land. In fact, this is a pest that most people will deal with at one time or another. If you haven’t been infested with bed bugs, you will be. But is this really true, or are we exaggerating?

The UK’s bed bug problem: facts and figures

If you want to understand the UK’s bed bug problem, you need to look at the facts. In 2016, the BPCA (British Pest Control Association) did a survey. It was discovered that in that year alone, there were more than 11,000 incidents of bed bugs. These pests accounted for around 4% of all call-outs for BPCA members.

In another survey (of hotel rooms), it was found that 1 in 10 rooms had bed bugs. This is a shocking figure, but not so shocking when you consider the scope of the UK’s bed bug problem. Another BPCA study reported that issues with bed bugs have increased massively since 2010. According to this study, around 6% of homes had bed bugs. This figure rose to 10% in the London. The worst affected borough was Southwark, which had over a 1,000 sightings of bed bugs.
Bed bugs are also frequently in the news.  The Manchester Evening News reported a 24% increase over the last two years. Other newspapers like the Mirror and The Guardian have reported an increase in bed bug sightings.
Google provides some interesting data points. About 13,000 people Google “how to get rid of bed bugs” every month. This might seem like a large number. But compared to the UK’s population, That is high but not epidemic proportions. Ways to treat bed bugs are with chemicals or with heat treatment. 

What about getting rid of bed bugs?

But do all these facts and figures mean that the UK has a bed bug problem? The answer is yes and no. As you can see, the figures are bad, but not so bad. Some newspapers make it sound like we’re being invaded by these pests.. The reality is that things aren’t nearly as bad as they seem. That being said, London bed bug control is still an incredibly common service for pest control providers as bed bugs are a reall problem in the UK. 

If you’ve never encountered these pests, then bed bugs are the last thing you’ll think about. On the other hand, if you have dealt with them, it will seem like an all-consuming issue. They really can have a huge impact on a person or family. Bed bugs aren’t something you’ll want hanging around indoors!
The bottom line is that the UK has bed bugs like any other Western country, but this problem is not as bad as some people claim. What you should also understand is that modern technology makes it easy to get rid of bed bugs. There’s no reason why anyone should have bed bugs. Just hire an extermination company in West London and get the problem handled.
Renting Out Property? Why Landlords Need Pest Control
Do landlords need pest control? If you’re the owner of rental properties, then this may be something you’ve wondered. In this article we’ll cover the importance of pest control for landlords, and why it is so important.

Is pest control something landlords need to worry about?

The answer to this question is yes. You see, pest are a constant problem in rental properties. Wherever there are people living, pests will eventually arrive. There are several reasons for this. The biggest being food. Pests are primarily attracted to food. And depending on how tidy your tenants are, there’s a good chance that pests will eventually arrive. Whether it’s only ants,  or you need mouse control services in London, the chances of a pest problem developing into an infestation are high.

This is the #1 reason why landlords need pest control. At this point you might be thinking, “well isn’t this the tenant‘s problem?” That’s a good point. Unfortunately, it’s a little more complicated than that. The laws surrounding this issue are complex. To give you a quick summary, the law states that properties must be, “fit for habitation.” What this basically means is that properties must be liveable. This includes being free of pests such cockroaches and mice and getting chemical or heat treatment for bed bugs.

Are landlords responsible for pest problems?

So, yes, unfortunately, landlords need pest control. You cannot ignore this issue. Especially if your tenants complain. Also realise that they are well within their rights to complain to the council. If this happens you could get in trouble, or even be labelled a rogue landlord.

Even if this doesn’t happen, tenants may leave, or find somewhere better to live. Another thing to consider is that it can take time to get rid of an infestation. During this time you’ll lose rental income. One option is with a South London pest control contract. With a contract you get access to regular pest maintenance. We’ll routinely inspect your building and take preventative measures. We’ll also destroy any pests that are currently in the building. That being said, this type of deal only suits people who own large buildings, such as blocks of flats. You can also get a pest inspection between tenants. We will alert you to any signs of pests.
One final thing to note is that there are grey areas when it comes to this. Tenants are expected to maintain the property and keep it in good order. This means keeping the place clean and tidy, so that pests are not attracted into the building. If you can determine that tenants are failing to do this, then you may not be liable for pest control. Bottom line: don’t ignore pests in your properties. If tenants complain, then you should hire a reputable pest control company and get them to do something about the issue.
Can Clothes Moths Survive The Washing Machine?

One of the biggest breakthroughs in pest control was the discovery of heat. Many years ago, scientists found that heat could effectively kill most insect pests. This led to the creation of heat machines. There are also other ways to use heat to kill pests. For example, professional heat treatment for moths is effective for controlling these insects. Also,!clothes moths can be killed by throwing items in the washing machine. Here’s what you need to know about this:


How to destroy clothes moths with your washing machine

Moths are easily one of the most destructive pests. If you’ve ever opened your cupboard and discovered holes in your clothes, then you’ll know what we’re talking about. Lucky for us, clothes moths can be destroyed with heat.

What you have to understand here is that you’re not killing the moths themselves in the washing machine. If you have an infestation in your cupboards, then it’s more than likely that your clothes are covered in eggs. You may even have moth larvae crawling around on your clothes. The larvae are the things eating your clothes! What you need to do in this case is kill these moths and larvae. 
As we’ve said, you can do this by throwing the item in your washing machine. Just note that you need to keep the item in your washing machine for at least 30 minutes. The water also needs to be around or above 50°C. Unless you do this, there is a chance that the clothes larvae and eggs could survive. In fact, you might want to leave your clothing in the machine for a little longer. Of course none of this is comparable to hiring a reputable pest control company if you have an infestation, but it can help when you have a few moths in your closet.


What about items that can’t be machine washed?

While this method does work, it’s not perfect. For example, you may have delicate items which cannot withstand the washing machine. In this case, you can put the item in the plastic bag and place it in the freezer for a few days.

Another issue is if you have items which are too large for your washing machine or freezer. This could be the case with rugs, or wall hangings which are moth infested. You may also have pillows which contain natural materials. In this scenario you cannot exactly use bug spray, because the moths are inside the item.
There really isn’t a simple solution here. At best, you can leave the item out in the sun and hope the eggs and larvae die. Something else that you can use is dry ice. Unfortunately, most people don’t have access to this, nor do they know how to use it. What you can do though is hire a London moth control company. We can help you with more advanced heat treatments. This way you can save your precious items and be done with clothes moths.
Is It Better To Treat Bed Bugs With Heat Or Chemicals?
As a homeowner or business owner, you have a few options for treating bed bugs. These include chemical methods such as pesticides and fumigation. Along with this, you also have the option to treat bed bugs with heat. But which of these methods is best: heat or chemicals?

Why you should probably treat bed bugs with heat

To give you the short answer, it’s always better to treat bed bugs with heat. There are dozens of reasons for this. What you must first understand is that fumigation is an out-dated method. Very few pest controllers use this method today. In addition to this, almost no bed bug control experts use pesticides for bed bugs.

The simple reason is because these methods are extremely ineffective compared to heat. With fumigation or pesticides, the bed bug eggs are left behind. These quickly hatch into nymphs, and the problem begins all over again. Something else to note, is that bed bugs have built up an immunity to poisons. We’ve been dealing with these pests for hundreds of years. Over the decades, bed bugs have become largely resistant to almost all pesticides and poisons.
This is why we now treat bed bugs with heat. When you use heat treatments for bed bugs, you do not have to deal with these issues. The bugs have no way of withstanding or resisting heat. They cannot build up an immunity to it, and simply die. The other big advantage is that their eggs and nymphs are destroyed as well. This means that the problem is completely eradicated in a single treatment.

Other advantages of heat treatments for bed bugs

Apart from being the most effective bed bug method, another huge advantage of heat treatment is that preparation and clean-up is easier. With fumigation you have poison pouring into every nook and cranny of your home. This means that considerable preparation is required. You have to pack away anything fragile, plus personal items, and especially food. Afterwards you have to wipe surfaces, wash clothing, and perform all sorts of clean-up. Fumigation also means that you may have to be out of the house for long periods of time.

With heat treatments this process is far easier. Yes, you will have to prepare the area, but there’s a lot less work to do. In addition to this, there is very little clean-up needed once the treatment is completed. Heat treatments are also a lot faster than something like fumigation. The bottom line is that it’s best to treat bed bugs with heat. Heat treatments are more effective, simpler, and also faster. One final benefit is that these treatments are also safer because no chemicals are used. Something important to note if you have pets or small children. If you want to stop bed bugs biting you at night and gradually spreading and getting worse, you need to call in a professional who has experience with efficcient bed bug treatments.
What To Do If You See An Asian Hornet In Your Garden This Spring
Britain is plagued by dozens of invasive species. One of these species is the Asian hornet. This pest is currently making news headlines. There are several reasons for this. First of all, these pests pose a serious threat to Britain. Second, these pests are extremely dangerous. But what should a person do if they see one of these hornets in their garden?

There’s an Asian hornet in my garden! What now?

As we’ve said, the Asian hornet is extremely dangerous. These pests are a lot like wasps. They are extremely territorial and also aggressive. Like wasps, they are able to sting multiple times and will also chase people who come into their territory.

What this means is that you should leave the area if you think you have this hornet in your garden. Do not, under any circumstance, approach these pests. Just like finding a wasps’ nest, if you see a nest, do not attempt to interfere with it in any way. Do not knock it down, or set it on fire, or anything like that. If you do this, you could be taking your life into your hands.
We’re not joking. These pests are also considered a pest in Europe, and have been responsible for several deaths. One of the reasons for this is their size. These pests are a lot larger than wasps and bees. This also means their sting is more powerful and painful.

How an app can help with hornets

That being said, we do not want to alarm you. You see, another one of the problems with these hornets is that it is difficult to identify this pest. This is simply because they are similar in appearance to wasps and other hornets. What this means is that there’s a good chance you don’t actually have this pest in your garden.

What you also have to understand is that, while these pests are invading the UK, they are still rare. In fact, according to the government, there have only been 23 sightings of these pests since 2016. Not only that, there were only 2 sightings in 2022. What all of this means is that the pest in your garden is unlikely to be an Asian hornet.
Despite this, it’s still a good idea to make sure. The best way to do this is by downloading the Asian Hornet Watch app. This is a special app created by the UK centre for Ecology and Hydrology. This app was created in order to help the public record and detect these hornets. It contains information on these pests and well as a guide for identifying them. With the app you can also record your sighting, then forward your video to the department. They will help you identify what is actually in your garden, and advise you on what to do next. You can also contact a professional London wasp control expert for advice.
Do Plug-In Devices Work To Deter Rodents Or Are They A Scam?
Can you deter rodents with anti-rodent devices? You’ve probably seen those devices in the shops, or on the internet. The ones that promise you can get rid of pests, simply by plugging in the device. They usually claim to work with “ultra-sonic” frequencies, although there are also those that work by electro-magnetic interference. If you know what we’re talking about, then you’ve probably wondered if they actually work.

Can you deter rodents with ultra-sonic devices?

The simple answer is no. Whether you have a domestic mouse infestation or wish to deter mice from your business, these devices may have a limited effect in certain circumstances. You see, the ultra-sonic ways radiate from the device into the room, and this can deter mice from using that area. However, there are many areas that are not covered, for example underneath the plug by the wall, which is likely to be where the mice travel. Overall, these ultra- sonic devices are of limited use. They may deter mice from a very specific area, such as a kitchen counter. They can also deter insects from a specific area.

However, the people who sell them know that people will do anything to try to deter rodents and are making money for a product of limited use. You will notice they are sold in multi-packs, because, as we have said, one device covers a very limited area. Many people find them totally ineffective for London mouse control and a waste of money.
What you have to understand is that rodents do not pick up on ultra-sonic frequencies in the same way as dogs do. Even worse, what will probably happen is that they disturb your dog more than anything else. You can’t use them if you have pet rodents for the same reason! It’s also been reported that these devices can affect your Wi-Fi, so that’s another reason not to buy them. Some people consider these plug-in devices are an absolute rip-off.

Can you deter rodents with electro-magnetic interference devices?

A different kind of plug-in device is also on the market. It is more expensive, but you only need one for an average sized property. These work by electro-magnetic interference. A current runs through your electricity wires, causing an irritation to any rodents in the walls. Reports of these devices show that they can be effective. They put mice off nesting in the walls. If they have babies, they may wait until they are big enough to move, so it can take a few weeks.

Their downside is that they do not cover 100% of the house, and the mice may find an area that is not affected. Mice are determined creatures and find a way around things if they can. It may be worth trying this method once you have got rid of the mice, to stop them returning.
So, overall sonic devices are very limited and may be a rip off. Electro-magnetic devices are worth a go but are not completely effective. It isn’t simply a matter of plugging in though. If you could simply plug-in some device, then what need is there for a reputable pest control company?
Hopefully, you’ve got the picture by now. On top of this, the best ways to get rid of rodents is by keeping a clean home, setting traps, poison, decluttering, and sealing up cracks and holes.
That being said, there are actually electronic ways to get rid of rodents. The best example of this are rat mats. These are basically electrified mats. When rodents run over them, they receive an electric shock, and thus avoid the area in future. These mats can be placed across doorway and used to keep mice (and rats) out.