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How to get rid of Insect Stings

How to get rid of Insect Stings


In the UK, we do not get as much heat that you may get in other countries, so when the sun does start to make an appearance, we try to get as much heat as we can by opening our windows and doors, or we also like to go out in it. However when we decide to go outside we seem to get joined by some unwanted things, these are wasps!


A lot of people have been stung by wasps in the past and realise how painful and irritating their sting is. On the other hand those who haven't been stung are very lucky but may want to know how to get rid of the sting as quick as you can.


But if you seem to have an allergy to wasp stings or bee stings the best thing you should do is contact the hospital.


Remedies for wasp and bee stings


Ice - Ice is a really good way to reduce the swelling for a wasp and bee sting. This is because the cold temperature slows the blood flow down. To use ice, you u should put an ice cube or pack on the wasp/bee sting for 20 minutes.


Onions - Onions are such a great remedy for wasp/bee stings. Simply cut an onion in half and place it on the sting whilst applying pressure until the pain has reduced.


Garlic - Garlics are a really good way to reduce the pain for a wasp and bee sting. To be able to use an garlic you should crush a clove of garlic and put it on the sting. You have to make sure the juices are on the sting. Once you have done this you should place a plaster on the area thats affected.


Cucumber - Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the insect sting, this will help reduce the pain and cool the area.


Remedies for bee stings


Baking soda - All you need to do is create a thick paste out of baking soda and water and apply it to the sting. This will reduce the pain.


Salt - Just like above all you do is create a thick paste out of salt and water and apply it to the sting. This will reduce the pain.



Remedies for wasp stings


Lemon Juice - To treat wasp stings with lemon, slice a fresh lemon in half and squeeze out as much juice as you can. Dab either a cotton swab or cloth in the juice and apply it to the wasp sting. 


Vinegar - The best way to treat wasp stings using vinegar is to apply it to a piece of cotton wool and place it on the sting. You can also use a cotton swab soaked in vinegar and rub it on the insect sting.


Lemons - If you don’t want to use lemon juice you can also use a fresh lemon instead. Slice a fresh lemon in half and place one of the segments, flesh side down, on the wasp sting.


If you are looking for help control wasps, bees and hornets in your home and/or business, then get in contact with the experts at Conquest Pest Control today.